Thursday, December 26, 2019
Diabetes Type 2 A Condition Of Blood Sugar Levels
What is Diabetes? Diabetes type 2 is a condition in which blood sugar levels are too high. According to a tutorial manufactured by Gwinnett Medical Center, â€Å"After eating foods that contain carbohydrates, chemicals in the small intestine break down the carbohydrates into simple sugar molecules called glucose. The cell lining of the small intestine absorbs the glucose, which then passes into the bloodstream. When the blood reaches the pancreas, beta cells in the pancreas detect the rising glucose levels. To reduce the glucose level, beta cells release insulin into the bloodstream. As the blood circulates through the body, the insulin and glucose exit the bloodstream into tissue to reach the body’s cells. Most cells of the body have certain†¦show more content†¦What are the causes of Type 2 Diabetes? â€Å"If someone has Type 2 Diabetes their pancreas may not produce enough insulin or their cells resist the effects of insulin, and in extreme cases it may be a combination of both†. (AuthorSTREAM) Currently there are about 29.1 million people in the United States that have diabetes; 8.1 million of whom may be undiagnosed and/or unaware of their condition. For adults twenty years old or older, statistics say one in every ten people suffers from diabetes; in age sixty-five and older, statistics say that figure rises to more than one in four. What are some symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitis? Due to hyperglycemia and lack of insulin, many people experience some classic symptoms of diabetes such as excessive hunger, excessive thirst, increased urine volume, and unexplained weight loss. (Gwinnett Medical Center Health Series) Some long term symptoms of type 2 diabetes that may appear over time include: fatigue, recurrent infections, changes in vision, itching, and possible tingling or prickling skin sensations. What are some complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitis? People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitis face a multitude of challenges; some challenges may be life-threatening and others may be life altering. Life-threatening complications of type 2 diabetes include: Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketoic Syndrome, and Hyperglycemia. Diabetic Ketoacidosis occurs when no treatment is given for
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Ancient Greek And Roman Religion Essay - 1060 Words
The ancient Greek and Roman religion was the belief in God. They had similar views, but also some differences. It composed of many meaningful Gods and Goddesses that played the part in the everyday life of the average Roman and the Greek citizen. Before going into their beliefs and many strange legends, we must consider what kind of beings these divinities were. From history, there’s the first dynasty that consisted of the origin of the world, Uranus and Ge. The ancient Greeks had several theories regarding this origin. Uranus, the more defined, who represented light and air of heaven while Ge, the firm and flat, life –sustaining earth was worshipped as the all nourishing mother. The second dynasty is Cronus or as the Romans call him Saturn. Cronus was the god of time. He married Rhea, daughter of Uranus and Ge and had three sons: Aides (Pluto), Poseidon (Neptune), Zeus (Jupiter), and three daughter: Hestia (Vesta), Demeter (Ceres), and Hera (Juno) . In order to nullify the prophecy, Cronus swallows his children. But when it came to the last child, Zeus, Rhea saves Zeus and later dethrones his father. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades divided their fathers’ dominion. Zeus got the heavens, Poseidon the ocean and Hades the realm of the dead . Hera, the daughter of Cronus, was the wife of Zeus. Iris, the goddess of the rainbow. Hephaestos, the god of the celestial artist, was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was born lame, his parents hated the sight of him. Ares, the god of war, was theShow MoreRelatedGreek And Roman Mythology881 Words  | 4 PagesGreek and Roman Mythology Since the dawn of time, different societies have worshiped gods, believing in their power and being afraid of their fury. People have prayed and made sacrifices in order to achieve the gods mercy and generosity. They believed that, if the gods are in good mood, they will provide people with good weather conditions for growing crops. People needed explanations for different natural phenomena, such as rain, drought, lightning, thunder and earthquake. So, ancient people believedRead MoreGreek And Roman Civilizations : Greece And Ancient Civilizations1498 Words  | 6 Pages Greek and Roman Civilizations In examining the impact that the ancient world has had on modern Western civilization, the two ancient civilizations which are frequently understood as having had the greatest influence are Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. These two civilizations would eventually come to shape much of what would become the modern European culture, politics and society, and by extension, a vast proportion of global culture and society. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Titanic Essay Research Paper Leaping over the free essay sample
Titanic Essay, Research Paper Jumping over the side of the boat, riders splash into the icy Waterss below. With one lifeboat left, proplr are contending to acquire on. All of a sudden, a deafening cleft is heard, and a sailor screams out, # 8220 ; The boat has cracked in two! # 8221 ; Now the scared travellers are traveling madly toward the after part. ( This might hold been the scene 86 old ages ago. ) The unsinkable Titanic went down catastrophically and the safety on the line drive every bit good as the bar of the incident became issues after the sinking and before the find of the ship on the ocean floor. The luxury line drive was constructed with a intent. It was built to transport riders across the Atlantic in a fast, yet excessive manner. The ship was housed to transport a male monarch. It had every comfort that anyone could of all time hold imagined. Such as the suites that were in the first category. The suites had the finest comforters, mirrors and even were supplied with fancy cigars. The Titanic was built at the Harvard and Wolff yard where White Star line drive # 8217 ; s ships were built. The building began on March 31, 1909. An American moneyman, J. Pierpont Morgan, who became interested in big rider transportation companies was the builder of the brilliant pleasance ship. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The thought was a good one, little did he know calamity loomed in front. The monolithic ship, the crew, and the captain # 8217 ; s desires all added up to problem. The sailors of the Titanic were non prepared for the possibility of a sinking ship because they thought the vas was unsinkable, and they didn # 8217 ; t dressed ore on safety. For illustration radio operator interrupted the Californians radio operator by a moderate, # 8220 ; Keep Out! Shut-up! You # 8217 ; rhenium thronging my signal. I # 8217 ; m working the Cape Race! # 8221 ; The Californian # 8217 ; s sole operator listened to Titanic # 8217 ; s answer and at 11:30 turned off his set and retired for the dark. The possibility of a job neer entered the Titanic operators mind. ( hhtp: // ) In add-on the captain # 8217 ; s purposes were to traverse the Atlantic at a record velocity, and these wants were non to be impeded. White Star # 8217 ; s senior captain and the maestro of the Titanic, decided to go on on class at full velocity of 20 knots through the ice felds despite daylong warnings of icebergs in the locality. ( Brown, Donald pg.3 ) This determination and the crews sloppiness foreshadow calamity. Consequently, the unsinkable luxury line drive struck an iceberg towering about 50 to sixty pess at 11:50 P.M. on April 14, 1912. ( hhtp: // ) When the vas hit the iceberg, a rockhard object mousing invincibly underneath the ocean # 8217 ; s surface. Struck the ship and left four cuts on the starboard side and agitating those on board. As the iceberg moved along the wing of the ship, it scraped the first three 100 pess of the hull manner below the H2O line. ( Tibbals, Geoff pg.70 ) Therefore, the Titanic was given merely was given merely a few hours to remain afloat. In this procedure, five of the presumably watertight compartments flooded, but five was excessively much for her to bear. Although 12 square pess of the hull had been penetrated by the hit, this was plenty to drop her. The next compartments besides filled up tantamount to ice-cube trays do when filled. As each compartment flooded with H2O, the bow of the ship sank lower and lower. Just ten proceedingss after the impact, the H2O degree had risen to 14 pess above the keel in the first five compartments. Water was besides pouring into the boiling room. At around 1:15 AM. , the Titanic all of a sudden perched from starboard to port. She was going progressively rickety ; the deck was leaning more and more steeply, doing the remotion of riders out of the boat more hard. By 2:00 AM. , the H2O had risen to merely ten pess below the promenade deck. At 2:17 AM. the unsinkable pleasance vas began to drop into the H2O, 2:17 AM. , the after part flopped back into the H2O, two of the four funnels broke off liberating carbon black into the clear inkiness atmosphere. There was a series of detonations and the immersed forward subdivision broke off from the after part. Finally, the after part besides slide beneath the surface and began it # 8217 ; s two and a half, mile journey to the ocean # 8217 ; s floor. ( Tibbals, Geoff pg. 72- 84 ) She sank someplace around 40 one grades North and 50 grades West in the Atlantic. In the two hours it took the ship to drop, the riders had two hours to salvage themselves. During the sinking of the monolithic ship, # 8220 ; The riders acted without dignity. # 8221 ; Said first-class Steward Edward Brown. But most of the riders acted like gentleman: # 8220 ; As I was put into the boat, he cried to me, # 8216 ; It # 8217 ; s all right, small miss. You go, I will remain. As our boat shoved off he threw me a buss, and that was the last I saw him. # 8221 ; Said Mrs. Daniel Warner Marvin of New York. She had been on her honey Moon, lost her new hubby in the catastrophe. Another eye-witness history came from a Philadelphia banker, Robert W. Daniel. He was merely have oning a bathrobe, when he leaped from the droping ship two proceedingss before she went down: # 8220 ; Not until the last five proceedingss did the atrocious realisation come that the terminal was at manus. The visible radiations became subdued and went out, but we could see easy, of all time so easy, the surface of the H2O seemed a dream. Deck after deck was submerged. There was no lurching or grinding or crunching. The Titanic merely settled. I was far up on one of the top decks when I jumped. About me where many others in the H2O. My bathrobe floated off, and it was icily cold. I struck out at one time. I turned my caput, and my first glimpse took in the people teeming on the Titanic # 8217 ; s adorn. Hundreds were standing at that place incapacitated toward off approached decease. I saw captain Smith on the span. My eyes apparently clung to him. The deck from which I had lept was immersed. The H2O had risen easy, and was now to the floor of the span. Then it was to captain Smith # 8217 ; s waist. I saw him no more. He died a hero. The bows of the ship were far beneath the surface, and to me merely the four monster funnels and the mast were now seeable. It was all over in an blink of an eye. The Titanic # 8217 ; s after part rose wholly out of the H2O and went up 30, 40, 60 pess into the air. Then, with her organic structure slanting at an angle of 40 five grades, easy the Titanic Slipped out of sight. # 8221 ; On the other manus, some reacted otherwise. Chief officer Henery Wilde with 2nd officer Leghtoller were in charge of establishing the last lifeboat. Leghtoller had to pull his handgun to restore order among the panicking riders. He besides ordered other sailor to piece a human barrier between those who merely came from the steerage and the last lifeboat. The set tried to associate the frenetic riders and crew by playing until the terminal. ( Tibballs, Geoff pg. 62, 79-81 ) Many different Acts of the Apostless took topographic point during the sinking of the ship and it was merely after all was said and done that safety issues were discussed. Was safety taken into careful consideration? The addendum of adequate lifeboats would turn out to be one of the most unaffiliated issues. Under the British Board of Trade Regulations, all British vass of more than ten 1000 dozenss had to transport at least 16 lifeboats with equal sum of tonss and floats for 70 five per centum of it # 8217 ; s capacity. The ship weighed 40, six thousand dozenss and merely had to transport merely as many lifeboats as a vas that weighed 10s thousand dozenss. These ordinances meant that the Titanic merely had to transport adequate lifeboats for merely nine hundred and 60s, two people when she had the capacity for three thousand, five hundred, and 40 seven. Alexander Carelisle obviously had misgiving # 8217 ; s about the direction # 8217 ; s. Alexander # 8217 ; s original layout included sixty four boats, sufficient for everyone. As treatments carried on the builders and proprietors started to worsen the sum of lifeboats within the Titanic. They decided foremost to alter the figure of lifeboats to forty, so to thirty two and eventually to sixteen, thirty-foot-long boats as good as four englehadrt collapsable boats. Of class anyone that could make math would cognize that 16, thirty-foot-long boats besides with four englehardt collasspables would non be plenty for all those on-board the Titanic. ( Tibballs, Geoff pg. 26 ) Furthermore, safety steps were doled out below the belt. Treatment of the people on board the Titanic was unjust. In general the 3rd category and 2nd category travellers did non hold every bit good of a opportunity of lasting as the first category riders. The lower category people were ordered to stay in the lower countries and held by other sailor until the first category could safely evacuate on lifeboats. Last, the factor of the crew # 8217 ; s late reactions might hold been the cause of more deceases. By the manner that the crew left some riders behind during the sinking. ( Titanic. Dir. James Cameron. Perf. Leonardo Decaprio, Kate Winscet, Kathy Bates, Bill Paxton, Billy Zane, and Frances Fisher. Fox, 1996. ) Stating safety issues aside the following inquiry that comes to mind is: Could the accident have been avoided? This incident could hold been avoided if there were a sufficient sum of telegraphists throughout the ship, so they did non hold to depend on one individual for the lone beginning of communicating. For illustration, when the immature radio operator, antecedently mentioned interrupted an of import message and did non mind its warning, the message may hold gotten through Idaho there had been another operator. ( hypertext transfer protocol: gil// ) This clearly shows the demand for more telegraphists on-board the line drive. Second, the inquiry environing the figure of lifeboats on the Titanic straight relates to the figure of saved lives. There was infinite for more lifeboats on the S.S.S Titanic, but the builders and proprietors made luxury a precedence over safety. More lives could hold been saved if merely there had been more lifeboats. Third, weather considerations was another of import factor of these tragic incident. If captain Smith had merely stopped and deliberated his determination traveling twenty one knots full velocity through ice felds, this all could hold been precluded. The accident could hold been avoided, but was non and it sank. The Titanic was found at the underside of the Atlantic. In the summer of 1985 by. ( Ballard, Robert pg.454 ) Dr. Robert Ballard, the caput of Woods Hole # 8217 ; s Deep Submergence research lab. His involvement of happening the Titanic dated back to the 1970 # 8217 ; s, but at that clip could non, because he could non acquire fiscal support. Dr. Ball
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Ethereal Plane Essay Example
The Ethereal Plane Paper Without Time on your side I cannot be stoped. My Daemon forces will soon pour onto the Ethereal Planes, and this fool he pointed his finger towards the semi concious Sirch who was attempting to clamber up to a standing position has sent a large majority of your Solar forces to defend the City Of Knights. You are doomed mohahahhhahahah. And with a swish of his cloak he was gone, the Dark Lord had left. His laugh still echoed through the minds of the stupidfied Ethereal beings. All but Rezarf looked to stunned to move, he helped Sirch to his feet and then spoke. Gather all the Solar and Angelic forces you can. he decreed And move with great haste to the Gates of Hell, we must fight him. Sir! Our forward scouts report the seals on the Gate have been broken, but it has yet to be opened. Good work Colonel, gather your forces and prepare to march on the Gate. We cannot let the creatures of the Nine Hells lose on the Ethereal Plane. Very Good, Rezarf my liege. And so it was.. The combined Solar and Angleic forces of the Gods of Good marched towards the Gates of Hell. Each God defending the Ethereal Planes was armoured and battle ready, for Ethereal Powers alone could not stop other immortals. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ethereal Plane specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Ethereal Plane specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Ethereal Plane specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Rezarf was dorned in glittering white plate mail, and held in his hand the legendary great sword Mikil; Sirch marhced alongside side him in golden mail crafted for him by Deah Neequ (the Elvish God of Craftsmen) and carried with him a long sword of Lighting; Amme was suited in light chain mail of heavy crimson and brandished two Rapiers of solid light; and the fearless Semloh (the God of Battle) lead the legions of Ethereal light adorned in his armour forged from the skin of Daemons, carrying his huge two handed battle-axe over his shoulder. Their forces numbered light, with only 200 Solar warriors and 300 Angelic fighters (as Sirch had sent 2000 Ethereal Guardsmen to the Prime Material from whence the could not be reclaimed in time). The did however know their Godly forces outnumbered those of the Dark Lords. 15 Human Gods marched alongside Rezarf, aswell as 5 Elvish, 4 Dwarfish, and 2 of the Halfling race, but they all knew only Rezarf alone could face up to the Dark Lord Iekkob. The marched forward with vigour and purpose, covering the ground very quickly. Whilst the heavenly light shined down upon them from the ever clear skies of the Ethereal Plane. Their shields, swords, and armour glinted and shimmered in the light. Their brightly coloured helms clinked, and their boots ruslted as they marched. The holy sound of the immortal troops marching to become mortal filled the canyons and hills as they passed. And as the grew ever closer to this possible doom the expressions on the faces of the Ethereal dwellers began to change, their brows grew furrowed and their eyes slender, they knew what was awaiting them was eternal nothingness if they failed. though for a lot they knew the void called for them even if they were victorious. Rezarfs expression, however, never changed; his face radiated steely deterimation and unquestionable belief, and this seemed to lift the downheartend soldiers of good. HALT ! Semloh gave a great cry and raised his hand, and the legions behind him began to stop. He moved to Rezarfs side, and they both stood deathly still. They gazed ahead for what seemed like an eternity for the forces of good, they all could sense the great evil emiting from the Gate but were not sure why they had halted so close to their journeys end. Ummm. Rezarf for once Sirch did not sound sure of himself Why have you and Semloh halted our army? Neither of the two answered him, so he joined them staring waiting. A loud hissing filled the air, the troops readyed themselves for battle. Shields were swung from backs, swords drawn from sheaths, and helms repositioned. Only Rezarf and Semloh did not move, the only apparent change was that they now seemed to b consetrating hard staring forwards with a purpose. Suddenly, very quickly, the unmistakable figure of the Dark Lord appeared. He was wearing no armour, only a robe of pure red and orange that seemed to be alight, and he carried no weapon, save for the staff of fire. He walked forward a few paces, bowed to Rezarf and Semloh, and started clapping. Bravo my dear friends. It seems there are some Stayers of the Light less gormless than your friend Sirch. I am proud of you Rezarf, you have done well to sense my concealed army. But I am afraid I must say NOW MY FIENDS KILL THE HARVANGERS OF LIGHT AND GOOD !!!!! He gave his arm a dramatic spin and pointed towards the bemused Ethereal Gods. They were looking from side to side, and some even took a shifty look behind them. Then out of no where a huge army of Daemons and other foul beasts of Hell appeared from behind Iekkob, charging forward. At the front of their lines where the Gods of Evil, and High Daemon Beast of Hell. The legions of light held their ground, drawing their swords and staying their shields. Crunch. The oncoming wave of Darkness had hit the barrier of light. The Solar, Angels, and Ethereal Beings held firm. Daemon after Daemon fell against the Solar Warriors. The Gods of Light and Evil were locked in combat, fighting to put each other into the void that awaited. Iekkob however slowly walked forwards towards Rezarf and Semloh, who stood together as Sirch had flinched at the oncoming wave and retreated to the lines of light. The occasionaly Daemon ran at Rezarf and Semloh, but with a blood curldling thud they fell as the Battle God swung his great axe. And likewise for Iekkob, though it was his glare that seemed to fell the majority of Solars and Angels approaching him. He approached the two leaders of light and spoke clearly heavenly through the choas. Come my friend Semloh, you are the God of Battle, are you afraid to face me in combat. Semloh growled a heavy growl, and bellowed as he charged towards the Dark Lord. I AM AFRAID OF NO FIEND !!!! Semloh swung his great axe as soon as he was in ranged of Iekkob. It was swung with great power, great strength, and incredible speed. For a fraction of a second it seemed to be a clean swing, looking to take the Dark Lords neck, but with timing and uncanny speed the calm, almost complacent, Iekkob raised his staff and defelected the blow. He then thurst his hand outwards and the invisible force pushed Semloh to the ground, about a metre away. He jumped to his feet, but the Dark Lord was their, and he was knocked down by a heavy blow from the staff. The Battle Gods forehead burned and blead as he lie gasping for air on the hard floor. As he looked up he saw the staff decsending towards his chest, he closed his eyes and accepted his fate. The Dark Lord smiled and withdrew his staff from the Gods chest, feeling Semlohs power draining into him. He looked at Rezarf and continued towrds him. Rezarf turned his gaze from Iekkob, and moved it across the battlefield. His eyes feel upon the figure of Yug diving in front of Amme, and taking the spear of Ydrof through the chest. Sirch was battling against Liwl valiantly his sword moving with speed to deflect the two lighting quick daggers of Liwl, but in vain as he was sliced with blood gussing accuracy by Elags from behind. Elechim had drawn her katana and buckler and was slicing through the ranks of the Daemon High Lords, only to be beheaded by a Harkul King, and lost to the void. Yadand, thanks to his great strength, was holding his own and Xela lay dead at his feet, the Drowish Gods entrails spilling along the floor as her summoned Drow Kings fought to protect her body; but even he fell to the skillful spear of Ydrof. Amme shrieked with anger and launched herself at Rehcturc, her beautiful hair billowing as she ran. The God of Orcs, and so forth, lunged without skill his great two handed sword thrusting forward. Amme deflected the thrust with her first Rapier and dislogded Rehcturc head with the second. Iemaj was quick on the action, he disimbowled a Solar Warrior, and thrust his short sword into the Ammes back her squeal covered the battlefield curdling the blood of the Ethereal Troops. Rezarf turned his gaze back towards Iekkob, who had stopped only 2 metres away from him waiting for his attention. Do you see now Rezarf, your cause is noble but pointless. My hordes of Daemons are slaughtering your Ethereal forces. The Gods who fought beside you are fallen deities. Where as my allies are strong, enhanced by the inheritance of the powers of your Gods of Good. I see nothing you wish me to Iekkob, you are evil. That is all I wish to know. And understand me good shall outlive evil. Look around you, my friend. Your army is all but routed and once your powers are mine I shall rule supreme on the Ethereal Plane. No. you wont. I shall stop you Iekkob, your were once my friend and for that reason I am truly sorry. Rezarf sighed heavily and thurst his hand forward, attempting use the unearthly force to throw Iekkob down. But he did not move, the Dark Lord simply laughed. You should know better Rezarf ! Neither of us can use our Godly powers this shall be a mortal fight. And with those words he leaped the remaining distance between them. Rezarfs sword flashed upwards, thrusting towards the Dark Lords chest, but was swiped away by the staff of fire. The had engage in a battle, where upon one would become supreme and the other would enter the void to be forgotten. You shall not be victorious Iekkob ! Rezarf shouted as he fought, warnings of his un-utterable belief in the power of good bellowed from him. The light shall prevail over the darkness. The glorious sword glinted and shone as its Ethereal owner used it to perfection. It hummed in the air, slash after thrust, after stab. Each was timing and speed to perfection. But the Dark Lords staff deflected every blow, with a sudden blaze of fire and embers as the two weapons smashed against each other. The Dark Lord fought his equal opposite, as did Mikil (the sword of Heavenly Light) as it was pitted against the staff of Hells Fury. Each as evil and righteous as their owner, the weapons blazed with their owners hatred for each other. The two most powerful immortals on the Ethereal Plane fought and fought, even as the battle drew to a close. Daemon forces were hunting and slaughtering the last of the Solar warriors and Angelic Fighters. Good and light shone only from its last carrier, Rezarf. He fought valiantly, though the Dark Lord fought supremely. Rezarf slashed downwards at the Dark Lords chest, but the staff caught the blow and deflected the sword. With speed yet unseen in the battle, Iekkob swung the staff of evil around and thrust hard. Rezarf fell to the floor, gasping for air, blood pouring from the open wound in his chest where the blow had landed. Mikil slipping from his grasp had fallen away. I have won my old friend. Goodbye. You have beaten me but you have not won Iekkob. I have seen your path and you shall lead the way to the void before me. The Dark Lord raised his staff and plunged it downwards, towards the Ethereal heart of Rezarf. The shout echoed around the battlefield, Daemons cringed, Solars weapt, and the whole Plane shook with the sound of death. Storms crashed through the mortal Planes, as the powers gathered by this one of the most powerful immortals transended into a new host. The Dark Lord looked down, and through his chest stuck Mikil thrust from behind. The sword of Light radiated as the blood of evil itself ran down its glimmering blade. It was withdrawn and its wielder watched as the lifeless body of the Dark Lord fell to the ground, blood gushing from the weeping wound in his chest. His entrails slithered along the beaten grass and his eyes stared in fear as the void engulfed him. Thank You gasped Rezarf Light has prevailed because of youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!! Rezarfs head rolled away across the battlefield, severed from his body, by the sword of Good. His corpe twitched as his Godly essence raced from it and into its knew host, and then it lay still dead. Rezarfs head had come to rest on the body of the Dark Lord, his eyes looking eeriely into the Iekkobs, his mouth parted into a smile his profecy had become truth. Hahahahahahah A Dark laugh filled the battlefield. Its owner stood proud and tall above the fallen bodies of the two most powerful Gods. As the dust cleared the Daemon forces turned their watchful gaze, and saw the figure of a Drowish King his enormous weapon held in front of him. The Daemons, Gods of Evil, and remaining Ethereal troops bowed and chanted.
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